Monday, July 05, 2004

A peek into UK Weather..

It is a known fact weather is something one can only more of less predict or forecast and there’s really not much that can be done to control it except goin along with it!
Prior to my arrival in the United Kingdom, I was warned since my stay would encompass the winter months, I should make sure I arrange adequately for the same. Since I luv winters was pretty happy with that prospect and made it through the biting cold with appropriate ‘winter gear’. Though, snow had not being such a regular feature, got caught in it too on a few occasions, unwilling n unaware. Thought I’d seen it all and was told summer would be the most happenin months of the year and certainly worth looking forward to... I would actually, the only darn problem is inspite of these now being summer months, seeing the sun shine is almost like a rarity. It thus comes as no surprise when (n if) the temp. is a lil above 25-28 degrees C or even if there’s a peek of sunshine, you see people basking in the glory of the sun in parks or generally chilling out on weekends! Hmm what the next few months of summer have in store is anyones guess!

Having been in UK for the past 7 mths, n from my experience here, so far the weather is so erratic n unpredictable that there are times it is bright n sunny and the next minute you have a massive downpour! Rains are pre dominant here in every season & carrying foldable (almost pocket size) umbrella’s (thank god for them :)) are not a rare site here. A friend of mine once joked that on some occasions its like experiencing various seasons in just one DAY! Winter, the rainy season, summer, all in one go..! True! True!!

If the weather and rains were limited only to making peoples life difficult moving out/getting back home, it’d still be alrite! However that’s not all its restricted to! The rail network here is considered the best and most well connected with thousands of commuters relying on these services. However, a lil heavy rain or snow is all that’s reqd for the transport systems to come to a standstill n go kaput. Trains (overland n underground) get delayed, some get grounded and public road transport (buses) at these times already running behind schedule, have to bear the brunt of the chaos. It is interesting how the weather has a hold on so much more than only peoples lives! Guess (barring other things) some of the above could be responsible for the high tolerance levels people have in this country.

Coming to think of it, United Kingdom is in the Western European Time Zone which is the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and any guesses what the Western European Time Zone is popularly referred to as ? Well it is WET for short!! Must say pretty apt eh?!


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