Saturday, November 20, 2004

Staff at Battersea see "RED"

I came across an interesting article with video footage on a dog responsible for baffling staff at a Battersea Dogs Home which i thought i should share. Apparantly, for as long as 2 weeks, the staff here would arrive to work in the mornings to find food fallen everywhere with dogs out of their cages, running amok. Since no one could come up with a logical explanation, they decided to install surveillance cameras in the corridor to capture the culprit. The big question looming high- "'WHO LET THE DOGS OUT'"? :)

It turned out that a three-year-old lurcher (by the name of Red) had been unlocking his kennel using his nose and teeth before using the same technique for releasing upto 9 of his “favourite” canine companions, from their cages for regular midnight feasts. He would choose his mates to let out, with Lucky the dog, who he was found with, being the first to be freed. Though after this discovery, Red’s kennel had been made more secure to stop him escaping, this incident was claimed to be pretty unique, as lurchers aren't usually known for their intelligence.

On the bright side, after the video (of the daring “dog”break) was aired around the world, the pound was inundated with calls from people offering to give Red a home. The staff also hope the added publicity will bring new homes for Red’s other canine friends as well. Yeah, hope they end up being as lucky as him!


At 5:24 AM , Blogger Hifzur said...

Nice post. Way to go 'Red'. Or as to summarize what the people were asking for, reminds me of one of India's famous ad campaigns for the Eveready batteries - "Gimme Red !!"

At 1:48 PM , Blogger vahbyz said...

Yeah! N best part bein the title was originally concieved..(makes me proud :))wonder if instead of 'software',i shud have joined an Advertisin Co.instead?! ;):)


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