Monday, December 06, 2004

The Da Vinci Code

Yipee! I've finished reading ‘The Da Vinci Code’..and about time too!

Seein almost every 2nd person on the tube with their head buried, engrossed in this familiar paperback n inspite of continuously bein goaded to read this one.., I kept putting it off for a while until my curiosity got the better of me. Little did I realise, I’d get hooked to this book, good n proper. Havin read the book(courtesy a colleague lending it to me) I now know what all the hype was abt n y this is so popular. I wont elaborate on raving about The Da Vinci Code since a lot has already been said abt it..not to mention its also recieved loads of accolades.. so well I wont make this long, will just add my two pence worth :)

Hmm so as I was saying..Dan Brown has done an excellent task in making the characters believable and the fiction intriguing. I have to say that as far as facts go, there are definitely things I've learnt n known, I had no idea about. The inquisitive bug that I am, i've run some checks a few times on a few items to know more n must say that’s made this an even more interesting read.
Well I’m no pro at any of this. Have always known very little about the lives, times of famous artists n secret societies (yeah barring Brown’s reference to ‘Hieros Gamos’ which was something I’d earlier read) but information portrayed here, just makes one to want to delve deeper. The more I read I realised, since this is a controversial subject wrapped in a thrilling garb, goes without sayin, it might just provoke debate in the circles of religious societies.

Aah, yea from the critique point of view, the plot at some stages strains credibility but fortunately Dan Brown's pacing doesn’t leave too much time for questions.
On the whole, hats off to Dan Brown for all the research he may have put in to make this thriller a success. I've also heard there might be plans for a movie in the making! If true, that would definately be worth seeing!

Hmm, I have 3 more books to go, which i reckon i should start readin soon - ; Angels and Demons, Deception Point and Digital Fortress, ‘necessarily’ in that order. (Not sure if any would match up to this one tho!)
Eitherway, watch this space for my wee bit of input in due course of time.


At 5:38 PM , Blogger kRiS said...

hey.. just wanted to let u know that angels and demons is an awesome book.. i read it in 2 days... digital fortress is pretty good.. it's nothing like Da Vinci or angels and demons it's more about NSA and a super computer that breaks codes.. and currently i'm reading deception point… about 200 pages into it.. it's pretty decent... can't wait till the next dan brown book comes out.. heard it's almost like da vinci but it takes place in the states...


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