Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Wet! Wet! Wet!

Aah my 1st blog in the new year 2005. Dont ask me why so.. a lil bit of laziness, a lil bit of being busy with stuff around, a lil bit of nothin interesting to write about (not that this one is interestin.. may just end up bein mindless blabber:))..hey i think i know y.., my sudden spurt of enthusiasm at ending up writing (k though thats off and on) about my thoughts, views in a recently inaugurated DIARY.. yea thats what it could be, one of my deterrents!
K never mind that, coming back to this one.. hmm here the weather's caught me unaware on more than one occassion and barring the fact that when unequipped for a downpour i end up resembling a drowned, scathered cat n when equipped for the downpour, end up lookin like a wrapped eskimo searchin for her designated igloo.., yea the weather's been pretty bad. For almost the entire February month, the forecast's been forewarning about the biting cold and over the past couple of days, (actually weeks i think) we've even experienced some snow.. though not continuous, its been recurrent off n on.
Hmm, relating to that, just remembered somethin that happened the other day.. Last Saturday, it was a similar cold, wet day and i had been passing a supermarket when i saw a cute lil spaniel tied outside on the railing. Obviously his owner was inside shopping while the poor lil thing was dripping wet, freezin n shivering outside in the cold. Though i went overboard patting him, n instantly fell for his cute brown eyes and easy demeanour, with him thrilling me further by reciprocating.. i still regret not endin up doing anythin more for the lil fella.
I did contemplate taking my jacket off and covering him with it.. something i was even prepared to leave behind just to cover him, however in a frenzy seein my bus, rushed on to board it. Didnt really wait long enough but kept hoping his owner had popped in only for a quick purchase, would have finished shopping and would rush this lil cutie back to a warm cosy home. But then again thats how i think or how i want it to be. Hmm, wonder what the consequences for untying a dog and running away with one in this country are :) Oh yea that thought too crossed my mind :) That reminds me of all the flake n lecture i got from mum on bringing home a baby "bat" when i was lil! Wow! that was somethin :)

Oh well, i do know one thing for sure.. i AM in the WRONG profession..(must remember to thank dad.., "NO MONEY FOR VETS, SO NO, NONE OF THAT" he'd said:)) would have prefered being a veterinarian as that'd be more personally rewarding n fulfilling for me anyday than IT. Yup its never too late n if not a change in profession, i intend keepin my eyes peeled for animal shelters needing volunteers over weekends as would really like to help out in anyway i can. Eitherway, on acquiring my own house, my plan for 2/3 dogs scamperin around still holds firm :) Yea, yea im gettin there, not close enough yet but eventually i WILL :)


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