Friday, September 02, 2005

Switzerland anyone?!

Yipee, ive been to Zurich, Switzerland and what a trip this has been! I'd never thought id get to see the alps or get as close to Nature as i have during my stint in UK. Im really glad i made this decision n went here even if it was for a short duration..If ur readin this, thanks Khush :) :)

Its simply a divine place n beautiful with even normal housing landscapes depicting breathtakin views. Yep, tourism is flourishin here n y not. I loved the place, scenery, locations.. the people however were a different story. The German language bein predominant, that was somethin I came across everywhere, then be it splashed on the rail network with German names to stations (spelt in one way n on listenin to them pronounced in another), train announcements in German, people talkin nothin but German n my "Learn German in 30 days, easy translation" book didnt really help, just made me splutter over n over again over my own pronounciations.. hmm taken the right decision i guess of not usin any of my new found, self learnt wisdom in words.
Well well so what if all i came across were prudish upperty locals, who id have to think 20 times before askin nythin, even if that meant mere directions. (Hmm come to think of it their cute doggies were just as prudish as them:)) The only people i found helpful were the train/station staff, patrolling officers n travel information people.. helpful, courteous n polite.

Hmm as far as the transport went, barring the rail network, Zurich did have trams runnin along yet cant say the train network was nywhere even close to the best in UK..well maybe, im just bein prejudiced..! Maybe!

Aah the cost factor!! When i was told it would be xpensive, i had no idea it'd cost so much. It sure was n after skimpin n savin here n there i can safely say i didnt spend much n along with couple of Swiss chocolates n cheese, got back a cute big Swiss Bell (to be traditionally tied around a cows however goes dong dong adorning the door in my house now :)

O well what am i moanin abt, i had a good time there!All in all its worth visitin on a holiday n nyone with plans to settle in Zurich..well id say make sure u know basic German, can stare back at the price of a bread packet without falling back in shock n have a general moderate tolerance level to bein ignored and left unanswered.. in short except for scenery n excellent locales dont xpect too much!

Happy visiting!!


At 11:15 AM , Blogger vahbyz said...

Thanks for leavin ur comment.. I've briefly browsed thru ur blog too and it seems nice..Anyways, keep it goin..good luck with it! :)


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