Monday, November 06, 2006

London Underground..... huh?

Even today, since the London Bombings, most commuters may be looking around them on a crowded tube and wondering whether a terrorist might be among the passengers. What if bag screening facilities are introduced on the tube? Doing just increased security checks on the airport caused (and is still causing) havoc! Imagine that on the underground!
Forget bag screening, our efficient underground staff and authorities had appointed Abu Hamza's terrorist son Mohammed Mostafa convicted of the Yemen bombing to work on the tube and given him access to secure areas in the underground. Wow talk of short lived public memories.. the london bombings is just another thing of the past? Forget everything else, what happened to secure screenings/ checks on criminal convictions before taking up employees in a job as sensitive as the underground, that specially as it involves hundreds of trains carrying thousands of passengers every day. People outside the UK (except of course the EU) go though a literal living hell with scruitinities towards their visa's and even jobs with their passport nearly sent for forensic investigation.. sorry thats exaggerated but yes it is very stringent and in this case.. why was it this loose? That too someone like this character who has a criminal conviction for plotting terrorist acts against British people in Yemen and above all is the son of somebody who wants to wipe UK off the face of the Earth? Thats really creepy.
What's worrying is this could be the tip of the iceberg wherein there could be many more so called staff with the underground taken in without any security checks. Its true that UK is one of those countries where people are pretty tolerant and see the good in everyone, avoiding the bad. But this according to me is a gross act of negligence. Ok so they've taken him off the underground now but what about the time he has spent in his position/job? What if he's known more than he should? Am i being paranoid? No, definately not. It seems more like an open invitation, like "please sir survey our underground.. we'll give you the pass dont worry..this will save you any efforts imagining the locations involved you may want to destroy and you can prepare more secure bombs and equipments....." sheesh, its a disgrace!
If the underground authorities could make such a goof up, why didnt they give this weirdo a job in the House of Commons, say lunch time may have been a good time? No?
All i'll say is Good Morning Mr John Reid, WAKE UP AND SMELL THE TERRORISTS. And about time too.


At 6:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right. Britains are such suckers that they only see Good in a person but ignores the Bad.


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