Friday, February 09, 2007

"Let it SNOW, Let it SNOW, Let it SNOW"!! NO NO NO

Despite several several warnings screaming from newspapers, news announcements.. the works, nothing can prepare me for.. SNOW! Aah i remember the days when in India, the beautiful picturesque scenes dancing on tele would make me sit up and go Wowie! but now the idea of trudging though the cold white sheets with flakes going pitter patter above my head.. ahem, come again..what? that exciting?
At a time when everyone is snug in bed the weather happily piled ample of snow through out the night yesterday, which on waking up though looked oh so very scenic, unfortunately wasnt exactly the right day of the week.. Helloo, its a Thursday and have to go to work so excuse me.. But hey who am i kiddin, the weather hasnt always been predictable here and frankly i've given up on predicting it for reasons best known to me. The weatehr forecasters maybe think the same as i do and may have given up predicting as well :))
Best part being this time I WAS rightly warned. Its not that i havent seen it snowing here before.. it has for the last 2 years i've been here every February, but this time its been a little more severe than before.
As usual, as expected on THE day every form of transport was delayed in the morning. Actually, this time was a visible "excuse" for London Underground (LU) and British rail who dont leave any excuses untouched right upto in summer finding reasons of dried leaves on tracks causing delays to lines to the most popular being signal failures and unfinished work on tracks :) Summer gets too hot for the tracks, winter gets too cold for the tracks, rains cause them to get flooded....Well thats LondON!

Couldnt get very scenic pics to describe the weather yet just a few for now!

By the way, to summarise the day and cut the blah, my train was cancelled and I DIDNOT get to work, lost on a day and the worst painful part being i had to trudge back home on the snow with the same icy wind happily blowing at me, which even after being covered like a "mummy" hits hard. Made me wish i had a small personal reindeer and a sleigh i could go whoosh in and around :) Dont get me wrong, not that i dont like the cold and love to crib.. hmm maybe the latter's true :) but hey i dont think the situation i was in yesterday was conducive to a "Oh i had a lurvely day"! Nah! Barring from Khush cheering me up :) tossing snow balls, our taking pictures from our house of the view on site.. i wasnt exactly that delighted.
Well atleast i got to practice my aiming and throw!! Bright side to Life.. eh? :)


At 1:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

:)) Look at the bright side of the nature, atleast the snow is white in colour.. imagine what if it was Black in Colour :)) .. -Khush

At 2:34 PM , Blogger vahbyz said...

:)) You refering to the muddy London Roads, sleet and slush seen today, right? Yea atleast yesterday the snow was WHITE :)


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