Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Some Gibberish Gibber!!

Travelling on the tube or the bus or rail, whatever the mode of transport.. observing people, seeing faces in the street, even meeting people from different walks of life makes me wonder there are so many different facets to everyone's life. Sometimes, so many different types of people cross each others lives, some even without realising it. No one except they themselves would know what's playing on their minds or what they are thinking when captured deep in thought. I find it quite fascinating observing people's mannerisms and behaviours some quiet, some flamboyant, some self engrossed, some plain loud.. (Observing of course without giving the impression of blatent stares!)

People speculate and write about Global Warming and how 2028 would be a year the Arctic would see changes.. makes me think where would i be in 2028? 21 years from now..
Probably happy with six kids and 2 dogs :) chasing them, driving discipline in em both :)
What about 50 years from now? Aah long shot that is, would i still be around? Dunno!

Life has very strange ways and at times i wish i could predict what could happen next. As i am told not to waste time but make the most of every makes perfect sense but certain reasons bend these required must do's to something other, yet yes i do realise life is too short for regrets, unhappiness, squabbles or carrying on past grudges.. all of which should be let go off - sometimes easier said than done. One person with a computer problem, Khush and i met comes to my mind whose a successful practicing doctor in this country UK whose been married three times, with his fourth wife at present, has numerous kids from all weddings, almost lost track of their number or names!! Not so sure about his psyche but he could be one of those whose not stopped by failure and moves on and on until at 60 years he gets (hopefully with his fourth wife) what he's looking for.

Seen in the 27 years i've been around is that we often crave for what we dont have and forget what we already do which maybe something someone else may be craving for. Thats how people everywhere in general are i guess.. being content is not always been an acceptable stance and getting THAT one thing extra is always a requirement. Guess thats where ambition comes in and going up the ladder to fortune follows.
Hmm, how about for once putting THE SELF aside and doing more for others wherein you can be remembered for your deeds even after you're not around?
IMP point to note : Generally public memory is short lived so A LOT more may need to be done to be remembered!! :)) Having said that, again THE motive should not be concentrated to do things to be remembered but helping those in need more for the purpose of self gratification. Easy to achieve? hmm..

Yep, all the swirls and turns in life is what life i about i guess! It is an interesting journey where some people make it to the top and some dwell in their struggle.. to an extent some struggle all their life to make something out of nothing and by the time they reach where they wanted to, either they have to go just continue on and on or quit satisfactorily and reap the fruits of their hard work in their old old age. A time when they could enjoy life at their peak young age they were working hard to get to this level so on retirement they might end up feeling they achieved what they were looking for. Actually know what? let me quit before someone falls asleep reading this and just say 'We're fortunate to be alive and everyone has a purpose so.. make the most of it and do the best possible'. yea yea another sermon in a sermon :))



At 4:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"21 years from now...
Probably happy with six kids and 2 dogs :)" That’s guaranteed :)). However. I think you should start making use of the time left and not waste time gibberish gibber on pety things which has no meaning to life.
Thanks Khush


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