Thursday, November 11, 2004

Mobiles!! Phew!

I was constantly aware about the loud personal conversations people had on mobile phones (absolutely any n everywhere), and on some instances when they’d forget to switch off their phones in a movie theatre, staff meetings, or even in places of worship, one would be left with no choice other than to listen to these hi tech devices ringin happily away with tones that could even wake the dead. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothin against mobiles, own one myself but i do know how to use it responsibly and have the basic discretion n consideration in appropriate circumstances.
I’d come to accept the irresponsible behaviour as a part of every day life, and wont even get into the mobile mania..but a while back I came across an article on how ‘cheating’ in exams by text messaging and using camera phones has become a nationwide concern!! Apparantly that was not the first time mobile phones have been used by exam cheats. Last February, six students from Maryland university had admitted cheating on an accounting exam by using their phones to send information to one another via text messaging. Yes, SMSing has always been popular and now we have technologies like MMS to provide wider opportunities for communication. The not so new feature, the Camphone too remains in the spotlight for numerous reasons. There have been instances where students have, instead of utilising their time studying at home, wasted hours in taking pictures of their text book contents in an attempt to use these to cheat in the exams and on one occasion one student had used his camera phone and taken a picture of the exam paper, in an attempt to try sending it to a friend for answers. Unfortunately for him.. he was caught. Though his flagrant attempt to cheat spurred a complete ban on mobile phone use at that school that was not the 1st attempt made and would definately not be the last.
The popularity of small mobiles with cameras has made it much easier to take illicit photos without permission n people around being photographed without their knowledge, may not be uncommon anymore. Yeah, a blatant intrusion of privacy! A variety of laws are passed n attempts at enforcing them are made but how would stopping something like this be possible? Anyone ownin a similar mobile phone can take a pic in a flash before anyone realising it. Hmm it is true that as technology advances n options are provided by the techies to make life easier for us, people will always find ways to twist the same around n use the benefits to their own advantage, however warped or illegal that may be! There is no doubt that the mobile phone is a blessing but it is the users of these mobiles that make it seem like a curse at times. Guess unless people dont realise it themselves, no amount of regulations would help instil a sense of disciple towards any of this. Hmm.. n THATS a tough one!