Friday, December 03, 2004

The Ocean's Sweethearts!

Not bein an avid blogger, I don’t have many blogs to my credit. Yet this was something I came across which was heart warming n a must, I thought I should relate.

Four New Zealand lifeguards were on a training swim about 100 metres off shore at an Ocean Beach on NZ's north-eastern coast, when half a dozen dolphins raced in and herded the swimmers together. They continued to push all four of them together by doing little tight circles around them. Since none of them knew what was going on, when one of them tried to drift away from the group, two of the bigger dolphins actually herded the guy back!! All the swimmers noticed the dolphins were extremely agitated and repeatedly kept slapping the water with their tails n kept squawking all along.

This went on for a while and the lifeguards realised this was very unusual and that something was terribly wrong. One of them looked around the crystal clear waters and that’s when he saw the reason; A three-metre great white shark was cruising toward the group, just a couple of metres away from them n continued moving closer. Initially not understanding the dolphins behaviour it was then that the swimmers realised they were just trying to protect them.
Fortunately for them, another lifeguard, was patrolling nearby in a rescue boat when he noticed what was going on and though he was petrified, tried keeping as calm as possible. All 4 lifeguards were safely rescued to shore but for the period they were trapped in the waters, it was only the vigilance shown by the dolphins which saved their lives.

I've heard n read a lot about these adorable mammals, in fact countless instances too and believe dolphins attack sharks to protect themselves and their young, so probably sensing the danger to the swimmers, their actions in protecting the lifeguards was understandable. On one instance I have even read that dolphins will push a drowning person to the surface if they site one. Their natural instinct to help the helpless certainly is remarkable. Wouldn’t it be nice to see such acts of selflessness reflected in us humans?!
Hmm steps towards conservation of this endangered species is already an ongoing process and I think it IS a must..I do hope they will always be around, to put a smile back on our faces, yep for the next million years to come!!