Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Birds of a feather EAT together!


Hyde Park! One of the nice quiet surroundings in central London which make one forget they are in the heart of the city. Thats one place where greenery dominates and flowers are multi multi coloured. How about if a sight like the above crosses you? What can it be called? Survival of the fittest? a hungry pelican's meal? or would it be a quest of a "bored" pelican trying to spice up his menu from the usual mundane "fish"?
Whichever of the options this would be its just the sight of one mighty bird gobbling up another small one that too when its almost still alive untill reaching the stomach. Its a gory thought and even gorier reality but this is true. These are not graphically imposed pictures but really something that is a current problem in Hyde Park. Here just like carefree people coming here to have a quiet peaceful time, pigeons too have made the park their haven - the only problem being their ever so fearless attitude (like everywhere else, fearlessly trotting and flying on a streets full of people and transport) has in this case invited their own peril. Not sure if anyone's noticed but the pigeons here are overtly friendly so much so i sometimes almost trip over one where they dont get whooshed off like other birds normally do. Probably cause at one point they kept getting fed, became fatter and fatter probably so huge they couldnt fly more than a meter without resting.. and eventually took up to their feeding humans so much they forgot fear!
End of the day, what however makes the pelicans make them poor pigeons their meal is still quite a mystery and unusual by all standards. When they say evolution brings ALL sorts.. they weren't kidding were they?