Monday, February 01, 2010

Update on the update

With the possibility of getting back to the job rind soon, I thought of penning my two pence as time's permitted.
It was such a strange occurence but the last few weeks have seen transitions. Following my previous post on this blog, I got numerous contacts getting back in touch from long lost times asking on my "well being" or was that for my "current status". Little did i know i'd cause a reunion opportune. And most importantly for some, the cheek, I am told I haven't been in touch?! Of course these people are too busy n its my Prerogative!!!! Indeed the wonders of the internet..n hey above all after a gap of a year+, people still do read my blog, wow!
Atleast now i know what kind of people they really are, a good sieve in understanding whom to avoid in future :)
Yay! thanks blog!