Monday, February 01, 2010

Update on the update

With the possibility of getting back to the job rind soon, I thought of penning my two pence as time's permitted.
It was such a strange occurence but the last few weeks have seen transitions. Following my previous post on this blog, I got numerous contacts getting back in touch from long lost times asking on my "well being" or was that for my "current status". Little did i know i'd cause a reunion opportune. And most importantly for some, the cheek, I am told I haven't been in touch?! Of course these people are too busy n its my Prerogative!!!! Indeed the wonders of the internet..n hey above all after a gap of a year+, people still do read my blog, wow!
Atleast now i know what kind of people they really are, a good sieve in understanding whom to avoid in future :)
Yay! thanks blog!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Aah, joys of social networking, Facebook!

I often wonder why people publicise personal pics on facebook and social networking sites. Any ideas? Then be it their dog or baby or wedding or a party or even a honeymoon!! Few pics are still understandable, little information? okay, i do it too but what about albums and albums uploaded?! For me its an open invitation for anti social activities, hacking and more, rather than simple sharing of information. In my opinion, for some people logging onto the facebook account and updating status or keeping track of the latest is as simple as having tea or brushing teeth first thing in the morning. Agreed these sites are for networking but in this internet crazed world, i sometimes feel its technology used madly by overenthusiastic folk! A little bit like "'the Truman show'" in some cases - what i ate, what i did this morning/evening, where i went, who i did what with... blah..... :)
I too have a facebook account. Opened it to add my school mates yet restrict my matter and pics to few as I have never understood what the purpose behind posting loads of information and pics/albums on these sites really is for. This specially as all mugshots of all participants (willing and unwilling) get splashed on the page.
*******For some, my sympathies, poor souls!*********

For a while loads of people have asked me for lil Frasho's pics but i dont really see the need to post any and hmm why should i?! It is true, my lil Frasho's growing so quick it only feels like yesterday when he was a little cute bundle. Being with him is never a dull moment and each day just flies past. The most joyous years of our lives! I guess these, like all our other moments are best kept to close people among us, instead of being publically put up and so called "shared"!
Hmm the famous Linkedin began as a networking medium for professionals yet that too in recent times isn't restricted to professionalism, at times this too gets undesired results.
Guess if everyone thought the same way as i do, noone would use these sites.. hmm, aah what a "boring" life we would lead then! :))

Friday, February 27, 2009

A Little little Update!!!!!!

Not having updated any information for a while makes it strange returning back to this blog. Yet its nice to put things in perspective so great feeling to say Yay! Vahbyz now is a fully qualified MSc in IT Security :) The year 2008 filled with lots and lots of hard work, loads of ups and downs.. (at the risk of not sounding like an Oscar thank you speech - ) thanks Khush ;) everything all endured paid off so now with a good position and comfortable wellbeing life could not be better :) Its all been damn well worth it.

Can i again just say """""YAY""""!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Few pics.. Happy times.
